On Sat 02 Jan 2016 at 13:34:15 -0600, John Hasler wrote:

> Brian writes:
> > The question is whether the gray bar is an artifact produced by CUPS
> > (unlikely), by cups-filters (possible, but unlikely), the Gutenprint
> > driver (could be) or the printer (one never knows). Or it could be
> > part of the original file. We assume the file is something produced by
> > a text editor, vim etc.
> The file is:
> qwertyuiop
> asdfghjkl
> Produced by vi.

Simple enough to be confident it is a text file.


> Ok:
> toncho/~ lp -d HP5M-test1 text
> Second LED comes on, first LED blinks a few times, second LED goes off.
> Nothing prints, though the Cups Web interface says it did.

For why CUPS thinks it has done its job you would look at the error log,
It might also say why it doesn't print.

I'm a little surprised this didn't print. The print queue I suggested
can also be set up from the web interface at localhost:631.

> > You could also try
> > lpadmin -p HP5M-test2 -v <URI> -E -m lsb/usr/cupsfilters/textonly.ppd
> Ok:
> toncho/~ lpadmin -p HP5M-test2 -v parallel:/dev/lp0 -E -m 
> lsb/usr/cupsfilters/textonly.ppd
> toncho/~ lp -d HP5M-test2 text
> Produces same result as above except that both LEDs stay on.
> I wrote:
> > There is no difference in using lp or lpr.
> > ...
> > Yes.  That's unimportant.
> Brian writes:
> > Not for the people who think there is a significant difference.
> In this context it is unimportant.

It is unimportant in any context. Why introduce it in the first place?

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