On 03/01/16 18:17, Udyant Wig wrote:
> On 01/03/2016 01:04 PM, Stuart Longland wrote:
> [snip]
>> Last time I did any serious multimedia stuff, I think my toolkit 
>> consisted of Audacity for producing the sound track, then a 
>> combination of Perl, GNU Make, netpbm and ffmpeg to take a series
>> of photos, do the necessary transformations then assemble them into
>> a video.
>   My own toolbox has been similar: Audacity for the audio, with ffmpeg
>   for the video, tied together with some Lisp code for extracting and
>   combining pieces.

Yep, when I did it, I had considered whether it'd be possible to expand
on it, have it farm out tasks to other nodes, replace netpbm with
something that uses the GPU, etc.

Not sure if the existing software packages do that or not, that'd be a
useful feature IMO, rather than having one big hulking box that does
everything, you just have a collection of smaller boxes that take some
small piece and process that.

I recall the Perl code was just to save me the tedium of coding
everything in Make (I wasn't as proficient as I am now).  It basically
took a script, and generated Make statements that would produce the
output movie.

Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...
  ...it's backed up on a tape somewhere.

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