Op Sun, 03 Jan 2016 16:02:59 +0100 schreef Gene Heskett <ghesk...@shentel.net>:

Greetings all;

So I downloaded the vivaldi-beta deb, and tried to use apt-get to
install, but that spit out several dozen pages of E: lines and didn't.

vivaldi-beta is an older version use the snapshot version. Vivaldi
is still alpha/beta software so the beta version isn't more stable than
the snapshot.

You don't install deb packages with apt. Use

dpkg -i vivaldi-some-version.deb
apt-get install -f

vivaldi creates an entry in /etc/apt/sources.d/ to make it easy
to update with apt-get

So I stepped into the deb with mc, and copied its contents to the
directories it would have been put in, even ran the postinst thing.
Didn't run from a cli.

So now you are sure your installation is broken.
At you own risk! Try to remove those files.


btw. Vivaldi runs fine over here


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