Steve Matzura <> wrote:

> I have three physical drives in my system--/dev/sda is presumably my
> boot drive, which shows up as six devices in /dev:
> /dev/sda1,2,5,6,7,8. Additionally, there's a CD-ROM drive, and a 250GB
> standard rotating disk. My boot partition is located on  a 120GB SSD,
> which I presume is /dev/sda, is divided as follows according to df:

> Filesystem              1K-blocks       Used Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/sda1                 8518920     879012   7184128  11% /
> /dev/sda7                  368615       2058    343005   1% /tmp
> /dev/sda5                 2817056     178752   2475488   7% /var
> /dev/sda8                89493696      57076  84867532   1% /home

> What, then, are /dev/sda2 and /dev/sda6? I tried looking at them with
> FDisk and got the following:

> For /dev/sda2: Failed to read extended partition table
> (offset=5858805): Invalid argument

> For /dev/sda6: device contains a valid 'swap' signature, it's strongly
> recommended to wipe the device by command wipefs(8) if this setup is
> unexpected to avoid possible collisions.

/dev/sda5 to /dev/sda8 are logical partitions inside an extended
partition. The extended partition is /dev/sda2.

Hint: try the tool "lsblk" to see where which filesystem resides.


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