
On Sat, 16 Jan 2016 12:57:30 +0300, you wrote:

>>        -j, --jump target
>>               This specifies the target of the rule; i.e., what to do
>> if  the packet  matches  it.   The  target  can  be a user-defined
>> chain (other than the one this rule is in), one of the special builtin
>>               targets  which  decide the fate of the packet
>> immediately, or an extension (see EXTENSIONS below).  If this option
>> is omitted  in a rule (and -g is not used), then matching the rule
>> will have no effect on the packet's fate, but the counters on the rule
>> will be incremented.
>> So if the inbound packet has some property which matches any of those
>> specified in the `--tcp-flags' list, drop it?
>This rule simply drops all incoming NEW connections to tcp:22.
>By itself, this rule is evil as it forbids to connect via ssh to anyone.
>But with conjunction with the previous one it implements the following
>- anyone can connect up to 16 times via ssh.
>- anyone exceeding the connection limit is tarpitted, and must wait
>for an hour to try again.

That seems more than fair. Nobody using the system correctly should
ever break this rule under normal circumstances and/or conditions.

>> How do these commands function to lock out specific addresses or
>> address ranges?
>The current implementation works with single source IPs.
>Modifying the rules to work with IP ranges is an exercise left for the
>reader :)

By "the current implementation," do you mean before or after I used
the commands you gave? There is nothing in either of these two
complex-side command sets that specify a single address.

>> In the `--tcp-flags' list, why is `SYN' mentioned twice?

>It's simple. There's absolutely no need for these rules to apply once
>the connection is established.
>Removing SYN match would effecively limit any ssh session to 16 packets
>total, which will break ssh in a most curious ways.

OK. This is way over my head, I'll just accept it as gospel until I
understand it better. Thanks for the explanations though.

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