Hi Jude, debian users,
* Jude DaShiell <jdash...@panix.com> [18. Jan. 2016]:
>>This is astonishing, because my main user is in
>>$ groups
>>grfz cdrom floppy sudo audio dip video plugdev netdev lpadmin
>>bluetooth scanner
>>being in group audio should be enough.
>>Actually I do hear music ATM with ncmpcpp/mpd and:
>>$ sudo groups mpd
>>mpd : audio
>>So mpd plays music with permissions from group audio but I cannot
>>play a wav file or hear the sound of a movie!?

> That could be a different problem.  Check entries in .mailcap and .mimetypes
> for the user account.  The audio entries may not match what's in root's
> files and that may be a contributor to this problem.  I couldn't play web
> files with the lynx browser until I adjusted those files and now that's
> possible.

Thanks for the suggestion, but I did my tests on the command

aplay ~/Downloads/tuxok.wav

works works but only when invocated as root I hear the sound.  No
sound as user in group audio.  And ATM I hear musik from mpd
(group audio).

Ciao, Gregor
 -... --- .-. . -.. ..--.. ...-.-

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