"Thomas Schmitt" <scdbac...@gmx.net> writes:

> wodim -V ...your.wodim.options... 2>&1 | tee -i
> /tmp/wodim_log


> What wodim options did you use, exactly ?

zsh: http://user.it.uu.se/~embe8573/conf/.zsh/dvd

    burn-iso-to-cd () {
        local iso=$1
        wodim -v dev=$DVD -eject -sao $iso

    burn-iso-to-cd-debug () {
        local iso=$1
        wodim -V dev=$DVD -eject -sao $iso 2>&1 | tee -i /tmp/wodim_log

DVD is


> If it was for a pure data or audio CD

The disc is a CD-R and the file is an ISO, namely


> then you may try cdrskin instead of wodim. It uses
> libburn, as do Xfburn, Brasero, and xorriso.

Brasero says

    Please replace the disc with a supported CD or DVD.

According to

    $ wodim -prcap

it "Does write CD-R media".

underground experts united

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