Hello everyone

I am looking for a new low-end VPS provider in the USA. Does anyone have any recommendations?

I am dumping one of my old providers soon. It took them 6+ months to support Debian 8 and they just don't seem to care about supporting Debian in general.

I don't have a preference regarding Xen, KVM, or OpenVZ.

These are tiny low-end VPSes like they advertise at lowendbox.com. Unfortunately, this type of hosting tends to attract scammers, carders, and lots of trouble for the VPS providers. The result is that the industry has a lot of churn and providers come and go pretty quick, sometimes taking your VPS down and going dark without any notice. It's hard to find a good cheap low-end provider who won't disappear overnight or overload their boxes excessively.

My primary concern is reliability, then cost.

Any recommendations from fellow Debian admins would be appreciated.

Thank you in advance

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