On Wed, 27 Jan 2016 16:37:20 -0500
Gene Heskett <ghesk...@shentel.net> wrote:

> What ails the udev maintainer(s) that seem to think the owner and
> only human user of this machine is to be denied access to its
> facilities?
> It is MY machine, and I built it for ME to use. And if someone in the 
> udev camp gets upset because I have made it usable to me, I could
> care less but it would take more effort than I'm willing to put into
> not caring...

Possibly side effects of Red Hat Enterprise Linux? US law requires IT
used in particular professions to meet certain security standards.
Presumably RHEL is expected to reach these standards.

Modern Windows versions are extremely restrictive, so that an
administrator cannot see any space owned by another user or some
system areas, and cannot therefore find how much disc space is used
without actually taking ownership of the directories and files involved.


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