On 2016-01-29, Curt <cu...@free.fr> wrote:
> On 2016-01-29, Liam O'Toole <liam.p.oto...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 2016-01-29, Juan R. de Silva <juan.r.d.si...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Do you have gnome-software and packagekit installed? With those, upgrade
>>>> notficiations should work.
>>> On my system both 'packagekit' and 'gnome-packagekit' are installed. 
>>> Are sure about 'gnome-software' package name? I simply does not exist on 
>>> my system.
>> Unfortunately, gnome-software didn't make it into jessie. That's the
>> reason for the lack of desktop notifications in default installations.
> https://packages.debian.org/jessie/update-notifier

>From the package description of update-notifier (in jessie):
"Transitional dummy package replacing update-notifier with
GNOME-PackageKit". But gnome-package kit alone does not provide update

> I don't get it. I mean I got it (using Squeeze, and Gnome) and it's
> convenient, but I don't get it. 

What don't you get?



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