On Thu, Feb 04, 2016 at 06:05:50PM -0600, Dutch Ingraham wrote:
> I'm not sure debootstrap is what you are looking for here.  If you just 
> want to chroot into your Ubuntu,on the same disk, these are the steps:
> 1. Make a mount point, say /mnt/ubuntu;
> 2. Mount the partition Ubuntu is on, e.g., <mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/ubuntu>;
> 3. Change directory to /mnt/ubuntu;
> 4. <mount -t proc proc proc/>;
> 5. <mount --rbind /sys sys/>;
> 6. <mount --rbind /dev dev/>;
> 7. <mount --rbind /run run/>;
> 8. <cp /etc/resolv.conf etc/resolv.conf>;
> 9. <chroot /mnt/ubuntu /bin/bash>;
> 10. <source /etc/profile>;
> 11. <source ~/.bashrc>;
> 12. <export PS1="(chroot) $PS1"
> Of course, you will need to determine certain things up front and modify for
> your particular needs, i.e., which partition Ubuntu is currently residing on,
> whether you need network access, etc. Some of these commands will need to
> be customized/omitted based upon those needs.

This is good advice, and these steps can be automated with the schroot package.

For any non-trivial operations inside your guest systems, such as
installing packages or running daemons, I can recommend Linux containers
(lxc or libvirt-lxc). They look like a fully booted Linux system, but
have low virtualization overhead because they use the host's kernel,
still they have better isolation from the host system compared to the
chroot solution.


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