
Le 08/02/2016 12:28, Ron Leach a écrit :
> On 08/02/2016 10:20, Willy Ted MANGA wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I just upgraded my server from wheezy to jessie and my squid3 doesn't
>> listen to any port . :-\
> We just had a similar problem with a new squid 3 install on another
> distro.  (For historical reasons we have one old server running Fedora,
> just updated to Fedora 23 "server" configuration.)
> In our case, squid was 'listening' fine on 3128 - but it wasn't
> 'hearing' anything; the firewall was completely locked down in that last
> Fedora update (only port 22 was open, if I recall).  I mention this
> because, though we don't use Jessie, that Fedora update uses systemd,
> and SElinux(?) and this very restrictive firewall configuration, out of
> the box.  Even installing squid did *not* open the port 3128; the
> firewall had to adjusted by hand, and then squid worked fine.

In my case the firewall rules are OK. Squid do not listen at all.

> As I say, we're still on Wheezy with our remaining systems, so I don't
> know whether Jessie is closer to that Fedora arrangement, or not, but
> thought this experience might help.

Jessie comes with systemd by default.

> Have you also checked the squid/jessie configuration notes?  In moving
> to systemd on our fedora system, some of the 'conf' files moved from
> /etc/... to /usr/... and this seemed to be a consequence of systemd (in
> Fedora's case), but I don't know what happens in Jessie.  Just to check
> whether the conf files you are changing are the ones being used.

The conf files remain at the same place. But I suspect a strange
behavior of systemd .

It's not the same issue as #800341 [1] but at first launch I got a
bungled file because of misconfiguration. I fixed it but it did not
solve the issue on port .

1. https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=800341

Willy Ted MANGA

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