On 02/09/2016 11:59 AM, Thomas Schmitt wrote:
> David Christensen wrote:
>> http://www.seagate.com/support/downloads/seatools/
>> convert a bootable CD ISO image into a bootable hybrid ISO/USB image
>> https://www.turnkeylinux.org/blog/iso2usb
> This will not work, i fear, because the ISO is not bootable via an
> isohybrid capable ISOLINUX boot image.
>>From the start of the El Torito boot image in SeaToolsDOS223ALL.ISO:
>    Bootable CD Wizard v1.50Z
>    Copyright (c)2004 by reanimatolog. http://bootcd.narod.ru

So far, I've used it for two Linux images and it worked:

    Fedora 22 x86_64
    Oracle Linux 7.2

Testing the Seagate image:

    $ cp SeaToolsDOS223ALL.ISO SeaToolsDOS223ALL.hybrid.ISO

    $ isohybrid SeaToolsDOS223ALL.hybrid.ISO
isohybrid: SeaToolsDOS223ALL.hybrid.ISO: boot loader does not have an isolinux.bin hybrid signature. Note that isolinux-debug.bin does not support hybrid booting

Nope. Too bad.

> (This statement from blog/iso2usb is plain wrong:
>   "The isohybrid tool in the syslinux package will convert ISO images
>    into a USB flash drive compatible format"
> isohybrid writes an MBR and partition tables into the System Area
> of the ISO, so that boot firmware can find the boot loader if the ISO
> is presented on HDD. The ISO 9660 filesystem does not get converted.)

So, is there a solution that works for most or all bootable CD images?


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