On Sat, 13 Feb 2016 11:19:21 +0100 Rastko <lylecor...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> and welcome me to the group :P

You are welcome, I guess.

> The title might be misleading, 

It is. The title specifies at least something concerning the nature of
the problem- your post goes off on a tangent.

> but I'm experiencing weird behavior
> using GNOME3 desktop under Debian 3.16.0-amd64, in that some disk
> operations and things like generating keys, have delayed feedback,
> for example, I create a key, Documents collection, and such, and
> nothing happens, until a couple of minutes later, by which time I've
> tried several times, and it turns out every time I succeeded. But
> there was no feedback.

I'm finding this quite hard to decipher. Can you please explain
yourself more clearly? That is, not in a vague run-on sentence. Then
assistance can be delivered to you.

> I guess I'm a newbie...

When it comes to asking questions, certainly.

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