On Mon, 15 Feb 2016 01:19:02 +0100 Eric <debian-u...@vvmail.fr> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm facing an annoying issue on my debian and hope it's the right
> place to talk about it: when I lock my screen or when it enters in
> screensaver mode, few minutes after I can't get access to my graphic
> session anymore.

This isn't what your screenshots appear to show at all. You describe a
situation where you cannot access the desktop after your screen
blanks/locks when you try to unlock the screen; your screen captures
demonstrate a failure to load your login manager on boot.

Which of these issues is it?

> screencaptures when it bugs: http://imgur.com/a/hVyGd

Also, the desktop environment used shouldn't have anything to do with
this second issue, rather your LM. What login manager do you use?

If in doubt, try dpkg-reconfigure <login_manager_package> (lightdm or
gdm or xdm or whatever).

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