On Sun, 21 Feb 2016, Andrew McGlashan wrote:

> On 21/02/2016 3:47 AM, Reco wrote:
> > https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Stefan_Kimak/publication/281066023_Some_Potential_Issues_with_the_Security_of_HTML5_IndexedDB/links/55d3438208ae0b8f3ef92886.pdf?inViewer=0&pdfJsDownload=0&origin=publication_detail

This displays perfectly both in Chrome and Iceweasel.  No login

> Okay, thanks, a reload of the page yeilded the /right/ result.
What I'd like to know is how iceweasel broke on the OP's system in the
first place. I did a standard install of the browser on my 64-bit Wheezy
system years ago, installed Flash, etc., and it works.  Maybe, it's
because I don't use or have installed any desktop. Just use a window
manager, Openbox.

> Also using Tor....

I'm not.


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