On Mon, 2016-02-22 at 23:06 +0100, Pierre Frenkiel wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Feb 2016, Nicolas George wrote:
> > Le quartidi 4 ventôse, an CCXXIV, Sven Arvidsson a écrit :
> >> I'm not familiar with avidemux, but does it really use OpenGL to
> render
> >> the GUI? 
> >
> > For the GUI, probably not.
> >
> > For the preview of the video, why not? Sync with monitor refresh is
> not
> > available in plain X11 and YUV->RGB conversion is expensive.
>    in the preferences/Display menu, there are 2 lines related to
> OpenGl:
>     the first one is labeled "video display". As I understand it,
> this
>     means that the choice between X11 and OpenGL is actually for the
> video
>     preview.
>     the second one is "enable OpenGl support", which is rather
> confusing,
>     as one may think that the "video display" setting was enough.
>     In fact, I discovred that after checking this box, I also get
>     the messsage
>         "[initGUI]  OpenGL activated, initializing"...
>     This means that my character's size problem is not related to
> OpenGl,
>     but to something else. God knows what, but also may-be one of
> you.

From what I can tell from Google, avidemux comes in both GTK+ (2.x?)
and Qt flavours. If you got it from deb-multimedia it's probably qt4,
so you'll probably need to figure out how to set the fonts with
something like qt4-qtconfig?

I'm not sure why your other users don't have the same problem, but
maybe you are running different desktop environments?

At least that's my be best guess, I always reserve the right to be
totally and utterly wrong ;)

Sven Arvidsson

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