Le quintidi 5 ventôse, an CCXXIV, Thomas Schmitt a écrit :
> Only as far as use cases for Debian ISO image hashs are concerned.
> No hash collisions among all Debian ISOs (or better all ISOs in the
> world) is a valuable property.

??? I have no idea what you are talking about.

> If the SHA512SUMS.sign

Stop right there. Signing a bunch of hashes is a beginner's mistake, I have
already emphasized that in this thread. It is rather sad that Debian made
that mistake.

> So the strength of PGP relative to the strength of the used
> combined checksums does matter.

Not if the signature is done correctly, on the data itself and not a

> But as said previously, the biggest danger is in evil package sources.

This is completely unrelated. And as a side note, I rely on Debian packagers
to be on the watch.

> MD5 is much less prone than are us upstreamers.
> (What shall i do if the Bundesnachrichtendienst rings my doorbell,
> has the Verfassungsschutz in tow, plus a bailiff and two police
> officers, while an armed drone is cycling over my house ?)


> As long as no intentional covert manipulations are to fear, MD5
> will suffice for any reasonable degree of certainty.

I blame you for giving advice without knowing the problem.

> On my machines of the last 10 years, MD5 computation was always
> faster than hard disk reading.

Ever heard of cache?

> As for CRC, a skilled choice of two different divisor
> polynomials is supposed to yield two independent 32 bit sums.
> (The polynomials should at least not be multiples of each other.)

The polynomials must be irreducible to yield a correct CRC32. That rules out
them being multiples of each other.

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