On Sat 05 Mar 2016 at 21:18:55 (+0100), Pascal Hambourg wrote:
> David Wright a écrit :
> > 
> > You can't create files on an unmounted filesystem.
> Of course you can, with the adequate tools. For instance mtools for FAT,
> e2tools for ext2, ntfs-3g (previoulsy ntfsprogs) for NTFS.

Thank you for taking that sentence completely out of context.
Why, you even managed to remove the parentheses!

The tools you mention manipulate devices or images just as any
program might manipulate a device/file whose structure it is
familiar with, and not through the operating system. So those
"files" are irrelevant to a discussion of mount points and
visibility because they're not accessed through the OS's file
access methods. To the OS the tools are just programs manipulating
their data, and to the OS those data are not files.

(I wasn't aware that ntfs-3g worked that way: I thought it just
mounted NTFS filesystems like any other.)


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