
On my Debian unstable system, I have a document which evince displays
correctly, but for which okular does not display much of the
text. This strikes me as odd, since (as I understand it) both
ultimately use the poppler back end, correct?

'gv' also displays the document correctly.

Unfortunately I can't share the document, as it is my credit card
bill. Below is the output from pdffonts and pdfinfo. Any guidance? How
can I get sufficient info to file a bug?

Many thanks,
        Dylan Thurston


% pdfinfo 201511.pdf
Producer:       Actuate Document Transform - 5.1.12                             
CreationDate:   Mon Jan  4 19:04:03 2016
ModDate:        Mon Jan  4 19:04:03 2016
Tagged:         no
UserProperties: no
Suspects:       no
Form:           none
JavaScript:     no
Pages:          4
Encrypted:      no
Page size:      612 x 1008 pts
Page rot:       0
File size:      354623 bytes
Optimized:      no
PDF version:    1.4
% pdffonts 201511.pdf 
name                                 type              encoding         emb sub 
uni object ID
------------------------------------ ----------------- ---------------- --- --- 
--- ---------
[none]                               Type 3            Custom           yes no  
yes     39  0
[none]                               Type 3            Custom           yes no  
yes     38  0
[none]                               Type 3            Custom           yes no  
yes     34  0
Helvetica-Bold                       Type 1            WinAnsi          no  no  
no      40  0
[none]                               Type 3            Custom           yes no  
yes     76  0


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