On Sat, Nov 15, 2003 at 02:49:28PM -0600, Hoyt Bailey wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Ron Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > On Sat, 2003-11-15 at 04:51, csj wrote:
> > >
> > > I have never owned a gun and I haven't shot anyone either.
> > > Cultural differences I guess.  In most other countries, only war,
> > > crime and drug lords are allowed to own guns.  It keeps the world
> > > a much simpler place, rather than having potentially 200M average
> > > Joes and Janes with the potential to do you in.
> >
> > And that, in a nutshell, is the difference between the US and all(?)
> > the rest of the world.
> The reason the 2nd is there is so that King xyz or our own goverment will
> never take our freedom.  With a few exceptions the rest of the world is not
> "free" and that is the =*Difference*=.

Great theory.  Shame it's such a dismal failure in practice.
People have been getting "disappeared" lately in The States.  Somebody
whispers "terrorist" and you get the midnight arrest, conviction in a
completely secret tribunal, family and friends don't even know what
you're _charged_ with...
But of course, nobody's gonna take your freedom, nossir! 'Cause you've
got a gun, and it at least makes you _feel_ powerful and safe.

And I really don't see how an individual with a handgun is protected
against a corrupt government/police. 
There are more cops, and if you shoot the first one, you'd better
believe the ones who come after are going to come in blasting.

Until you get enough people acting together, organized, with a common
goal... to overthrow the government... armed resistance is suicide.

In the meantime, making guns easily accessible to the general public
just makes it that much easier for your citizens to blow each other away
when they get pissed off.

I don't see how all this makes you any freer than me.

>   -ScruLoose-   |             The more I get to know people             <
>  Please do not  |                the more I like my dog.                <
> reply off-list. |                   - Rev. Stu Strang                   <

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