On Tue, Mar 08, 2016 at 12:46:14PM +0000, Lisi Reisz wrote:

> > > > It sounds as though your Jessie is being identified as Wheezy.
> > > > You get that warning with Wheezy, even if it is 64bit Wheezy
> > > > with 64bit Google-Chrome. Presumably because Google hasn't
> > > > written a string of different error messages for the various
> > > > different things it has just stopped supporting.
> > > >
> > > > Why Jessie is being identified as Wheezy is another question.
> > > > Is there any reason why you might get identified as Ubuntu
> > > > 12.04?  Another of the things that has just dropped off Google's
> > > > cliff.
> > > >
> > > > Lisi
> > >
> > > Lisi, I have to make a confession. The machine is actually running
> > > devuan Jessie. That is probably the reason.
> >
> > Glad we have solved the mystery - though sadly not your problem. :-(
> A potential solution to the problem would be Jessie proper, but without 
> systemd.  It seems to work rather well, in fact, from what people doing so 
> say.  I am about to cross my fingers and try it myself.
> Lisi

In thinking about it, I'm not sure now if I installed the devuan ISO or
debian Jessie and then removed systemd. As I tell my wife, I always am
thinking about higher things! How would I know at this point which I


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