
I installed the Debian 8.3 (32 bits) into my Desktop PC "Dell Inspriron | 6400" by using the DVD "Debian 8.3 Jessie Version 32 bits Supplément gratuit ...

I was required to load the microcode file "iwlwifi-3945-2.ucode" by using DVD ... I refused to load the microcode file because this one was not included the DVD ...

The installation of the distribution proceeded without any problem ... (:-D )

_*BUT ... yes ... BUT :*_

when I shutdown the PC and I power on this one, *I lost the control of my PC* (>:o ) because a message was continuously displayed on the terminal of my PC : this message referenced the name of the microcode file "iwlwifi-3945-2.ucode" ...

It was impossible to stop the display !!!... Only one solution not good : _/*POWER DOWN the PC by using the power off switch !!!...*/_ (:'( )
Not very good for the hard disk !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.................

I make a new installation with the microcode file "iwlwifi-3945-2.ucode" loaded into an USB key ...

/Now my PC is running very well and I am happy to have this distribution .../

_*BUT ... yes ... BUT (again) :*_

PLEASE : should be possible for you to fix the problem (8-) ) described above to avoid a *"Primitive" power down* of a PC if people cannot load the microcode file "iwlwifi-3945-2.ucode" ???

Thank you very much to take in account my request. (:-) )

Best regards from France. (;-) )

Maurice RAUCY

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