Hey Michael,

It depends if you believe in the voodoo.
In general once a SSD drive actually fails there is not much you can do as long as you don't know what the chip does exactly. If you have important data on it then in most cases the suggestion is to have a HDD as a backup device so you won't need to find out what happens IF..


On 17/03/2016 22:25, Michael Fothergill wrote:
Dear Folks,

I had a problem with a power supply that kept cutting out after about 40
minutes or so.

I was running debian stretch reasonably OK from a PNY optima ssd on an
FX 8350 cpu running on a sabertooth fx 990 2.0 board with a engt 430
graphics card.

The original psu was a Zalman zm 1250 which I replaced with a smaller
psu that runs OK.

The SSD is no longer recognised by the bios.

There is some voodoo on the web about using power cycles and firmware to
resurrect the ssd drives.

Does this work in practice or should I get a replacement ssd?


Michael Fothergill

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