I am running Jessie updated weekly on a self-built PC with Intel Core
i7-920 and 24GB RAM. I am running an SVN server on this machine which is
used locally and by several other machines on my network including 2
Windows VMs hosted on this machine. My system uses systemd as that is
the Debian default these days and, although I know there is a great deal
of passion about systemd around, much of it negative, without meaning to
start a flame war I just don't see what all the fuss is about.

Anyway, back to my svnserve problem. I use svnserve rather than
bothering with the more complicated setup involving Apache as I have no
other reason to run an Apache server locally. I start svnserve manually
as my local user from the command line after booting the machine.
Although I only reboot infrequently it is annoying to have to remember
to start the server manually. I run svnserve on an unusual port and have
to remember to specify that and the location of my repository, which is
also non-default by choice. It's not a terrible imposition but it irks
me that I am not doing this the most efficient way I could.

So I set out to find out how to set up a systemd service to fire up
svnserve when my machine boots. I know that if I can get a
"svnserve.service" type file in the right place with the right content,
I can do "systemctl enable svnserve" as root and be off to the races for
future boots. I was surprised to be unable to find such a service file
anywhere in Debian. Any particular reason why Debian doesn't think SVN
should be started up automatically? And is there a "Debian Way" to set
this up, or should I just cobble something together by looking at other
systemd startup scripts?

Having played around with Linux From Scratch on another machine, I know
that systemd scripts for svnserve have been done -- curious as to why
Debian doesn't include one and if I'd be doing anything "wrong" from a
Debian perspective if I just lifted such a script from LFS and modified
it for my needs?

Thanks in advance


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