Terence wrote:

> I don't know where the idea that the USA entered the war to stop the USSR
> invading Western Europe came from. In December 1941 Germany was deep
> inside Russia, and it took the combined Allied might of Great Britain, the
> USA and the USSR nearly four years to defeat them.

This is also what I thought before consolidating my knowledge on the matter.
There is a simple fact. 6 June 1944 - D-Day - not earlier.
So IMO the west was always hypocritical as it is today. First they sucked
all the blood money from Europe and when found out that the Soviets would
conquer Europe, they marched in "defeating Hitlers Germany". And Germany is
still officially occupied by the USA. Another fact few of us are aware of.
I won't be surprised if USA claims victory over Daesh in Syria soon.
Really strange world, we live in.


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