"Philip Ross" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I am looking to migrate a few Red Hat boxes to Debian in the next
> month or two and am currently wondering whether to install woody or
> sarge.

If you're new to Debian, I'd strongly suggest starting with the stable
distribution (so, in this case, woody); if you decide it's too stale
for you, you can augment it with backports or decide to upgrade to
testing or unstable later.  If you decide that testing is too broken
for you right now, it's very hard to go back to stable.

> I've seen posts that suggest sarge will become the stable
> distribution soon
> (http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2003/debian-devel-announce-20
> 0308/msg00010.html).  Can anyone point me to an up to date
> estimation of the release date?

There's a current thread on debian-devel discussing this.  I don't
think I've seen an announcement yet naming a date for the sarge
freeze, so "several months out at the least" would be my statement.

> Given Red Hat updates will end at the end of the year, I want to get
> up and running with Debian before that.  If sarge doesn't become
> stable until next year, would it be better to install woody now and
> upgrade to sarge in a few months, or install sarge now? How long
> will woody remain supported with security updates?

I think it's better to install woody now; upgrading should be pretty
straightforward, either before or after sarge releases.  ("Install
woody and upgrade to sarge" is probably also the easiest way to wind
up with an installed sarge system, though there's a testing version of
the new Debian installer out.)  Again, I don't have an official
statement on how long woody will be supported, but given the flak
people have taken before for trying to desupport things, it'll
hopefully be a while.  :-)  (I think potato was supported for six
months or so beyond the woody release, can't find the information
online right now.)

David Maze         [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://people.debian.org/~dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
        -- Abra Mitchell

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