On Sun, Nov 16, 2003 at 01:22:54AM -0800, Tom wrote:

[Some manure of his own]

> I think you are not a very nice person.  You are *really* hurting my 
> feelings.

Tom, I'm sorry you chose to take this as a personal attack.
That is honestly not how it was intended.
I don't condone calling you a redneck, I never intended to judge you as
a person. I really just wanted to question the prejudice that _I_
_perceived_ in your comment about muslim neighborhoods in Europe.

But this has obviously deteriorated to the point that no reasonable
person could mistake it for a constructive or meaningful discussion.

So I'll stop adding to it.

And to the general readership: sorry for dragging down the
signal-to-noise ratio... I got a bit carried away.

>   -ScruLoose-   |       What sane person could live in this world       <
>  Please do not  |                   and not be crazy?                   <
> reply off-list. |                   - Ursula K. LeGuin                  <

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