On 4/9/16, Ralph Katz <ralph.k...@rcn.com> wrote:
> On 04/06/2016 05:13 PM, Lucio Crusca wrote:
>> Il 05/04/2016 13:34, Liam O'Toole ha scritto:
>>> I'm not using KDE at the moment, but my experience of it is that all
>>> KDE applications store their configuration in text files. Is there a
>>> knotifyrc file somewhere on your system? See the "second way" in the
>>> following link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2174789
>> No, there is no such file in my system. There was once with KDE 4 for
>> sure, because I have found that file in a old backup copy of a different
>> system, but now there isn't anymore.
> Just for the archives, my jessie system has knotifyrc installed by
> libknotifyconfig4 as a dependency of akregator (RSS reader):
> ralph@spike2 ~$ locate knotifyrc
> /home/ralph/.kde/share/config/knotifyrc
> ralph@spike2 ~$ cat .kde/share/config/knotifyrc
> [StartProgress]
> Arts Init=false
> KNotify Init=true
> Use Arts=false
> ralph@spike2 ~$

What about... aka would there be any harm in... Lucio adding this file
back in just for kicks and giggles to see if it works? I remember
doing that consistently for I THINK it was kppprc while living via
Live DVDs (in Knoppix?).

The acknowledged difference between his usage and mine is that I THINK
I remember that kppp would create its own file that I replaced after
each reboot where Lucio's instance is not generating that file at all.
One potential inference then might be that knotify had obsoleted it...
or something. I can't see where it would do so because it's about
local user setting *_CHOICES_* but still... :)

Just thinking out loud... again. :)

Cindy :)

Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* runs with plastic sporks *

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