On 10/04/2016 14:13, Andrew McGlashan wrote:
You see I had to change the /etc/screenrc file and turn the hardstatus
line to show that I was in a screen.
Well, you did ask specifically about putty and the solution would do
what is needed for putty.  In which case, it wouldn't matter what the
/etc/screen settings are.

Ok well perhaps that was some confusion there as I merely meant that I was using putty, but the window title would appear in other programs also, not just putty.

I think your getting confused as what I want to do has nothing to do
with putty.
"Changing Window Title in Putty" -- subject line?

As I can also use terminal on my Apple Mac and it also shows the window
title different on the two servers which I am comparing, so if one shows
it how I want and the other one does not, and the putty client or
whatever client has the configurations identically for each server, then
the only thing that must be different is the server itself surely, as
they have both been configured the same do you follow me ?
Yes, I follow.

The other thing you can do is adjust the PS1 / PS2 lines on the
terminal.  That won't involve putty or screen settings....


I've played about with the PS1 line, I wasn't aware of a PS2 line,

I've done as much as I am able to on my own through trial and error.

This is what appear on fedora
    [screen 0: user@localhost:~]

This is what appears on debian 8
    [screen 0: bash] user@localhost:~

See the difference? i'd like the debian 8 one to be the same as the fedora one if at all possible. I guess this is merely a file change somewhere but I am unable to find what I need to change to get it to be the same.

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