Le quartidi 4 floréal, an CCXXIV, The Wanderer a écrit :
> I'm not sure this would actually manifest the way you're describing it -
> but I'm not positive it wouldn't, either, and I don't care to invest the
> brainpower in working it out for certain right now.

Actually, it is even worse than I suggested: mails can be CC to other people
than the list. These people would see the message-id chosen by the MUA, but
when someone on the list replies, the in-reply-to would be the message-id
chosen by the list.

> For threading, you're probably right. For message uniqueness for its
> duplicate filtering, however, the Subject obviously isn't enough to go
> on - and I strongly suspect that Message-ID is the key.

I strongly suspect it is much more complicated than that. It always is with

> Nope - or if so, it's either a new-these-last-few-years development, or
> for some reason specific to just IMAP. I access my sole Gmail account
> via POP3, and the "duplicate" messages don't come through there either -
> or at least they didn't back in 2009, I don't often send mail through
> that account (for this very reason).

Do the POP access show you all mails, including sent, spam, etc.? I suspect
by default it only shows you the so-called inbox.

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