On 19 April 2016 at 22:04, pcr1 <p...@pcrt.us> wrote:

> Yes and that works fine.  I've ordered a new drive to see if that helps.

​If your current drive works with Ubuntu, why not try installing ubuntu
first in one partition and then debian in a second one.

This sounds a bit voodoo like but maybe debian will prefer sitting on a
different region of the disk - and then work OK.



> On 04/19/2016 05:53 AM, Michael Fothergill wrote:
> On 18 April 2016 at 18:12, pcr1 <p...@pcrt.us> wrote:
>> I have for some time been, and after many attempts remain, unable to
>> install Debian, which I previously have used for many years.  The failures
>> occur during "select and install", about a third of the way through, but
>> not always at the same place.  My terabyte disk is partitioned with /boot
>> of 1gB, / of 500 gB,  16 gB of swap, and the rest as /home, with about 200M
>> not used.  I have 8 gB of ram. Ubuntu-gnome installs easily and functions
>> correctly.
>> If you can suggest anything I would appreciate it.  This is just
>> bewildering to me.  Thanks,
> ​Have you tried a live cd with debian on it?
> Regards
> MF​

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