On 29.04.2016 22:59, Brian wrote:
On Fri 29 Apr 2016 at 21:57:53 +0300, Piyavkin wrote:

Though, I agree, parameters may vary. May be «fromiso» in the last example
is a better choice indeed. I'd just experimented with related instructions
until it started working for me and I'm done.
Look carefully. I didn't recommend 'fromiso'.
OK. ) Then, archlinux.org wiki page which I referenced did. But quite opposite: to prefer fromiso over findiso. I don't remember if I tried it, and if it works, but now I think that findiso may be better option, because it's at least more portable (let say so; menu records do not tied up to USB-drive UID). As to differences in speed — I don't know. Don't think it may be any significant issue.

It is a source of contention (and a number of bug reports) but it is by

Why such design?
Suppose you want to install Debian; that's the objective after all. An
isohybrid allows mounting the USB stick directly. You dd/cat/cp the
image to a USB stick and boot and there you are - Debian is installed.

What does loop-mounting of an ISO file with GRUB give you?

With Ubuntu distrib you can do the same.
And still you can run it straight from .iso without additional quest and use of shaman drum.
What's wrong with it?

In my view, it is much more convenient to download new .iso files (or replace old ones) straight to USB-drive and copy+paste one more menuentry in grub.cfg (working in any OS which supports FAT), than to do the same (.iso download in some dedicated folder, changing in grub.cfg) plus partitioning/repartitioning (with calculation of proper partitions' sizes every time when you want to use more then 2 distros on 1 USB-drive) and copying (which requires *nix-like OS already running). If I understand the process correctly.

And much more safer, I believe. Because in the first case there are lesser chances that in a stressful & hasty time doing one more

cp debian-hot-new.iso /dev/sda

you may end up like:«Oh, wait… was it sdb?.. wait… and what was sda then?.. Oh… that was my 40+ years long project in astrophysics… THANK YOU, Debian, for your design!»

I think KISS principle should be applied not only to tools, but to the user experience too. Which may be more important. Cause, in the end, everything we do, we do for others. And who ignores it (for some their reason) will suffer. For soft production one of the rules may sound like: «If you create unnecessary obstacles in installation process, you hinder distribution and hence adoption. Good luck!»

(Thank you for attention! I give the floor to the next speaker.)

Best regards,
Dmitry Piyavkin

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