On 05/01/2016 04:46 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
On Sunday 01 May 2016 12:33:18 Lisi Reisz wrote:
On Sunday 01 May 2016 02:12:00 Gary Roach wrote:
I understand that I should not use attachments on debian-user or send
anything other than plain text files.
I just sent a screenshot half an hour ago and it has not arrived, but
another email I sent twenty minutes later has arrived.  Although some
attachments certainly are allowed on this list, it does look as though
screenshots are not.  File too big???


Hi all

Well a 10k limit sure explains my problems with picture attachments. That coupled with the fact that this list just throws rejects into the bit bucket pretty well explains everything that happened to me. I know that there are still people out there with dial up connections (my brother in the wilds of New Hampshire just got high speed internet a couple of months ago) but would it be so bad to return rejection notices with a little information on why they were rejected.

I need to re-read Gene Haskett's suggestion again and try to impliment it. Dial up or no dial up I really think Debian needs to loosen up a bit on the site restrictions.

Gary R.

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