On 13/05/2016 12:10, Haines Brown wrote:
I'm still having no luck increasing maximum attachment size.

I create file: /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.localmacros
I leave it default permissions: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root
It has a single line: MESSAGE_SIZE_LIMIT = 200M
followed by CR.

I am no expert on line endings, but I had thought, and this wikipedia site


suggests, that the line ending that *should* be used in Linux is
x 0A (LF line feed), not
x 0D (CR)

If your autogenerated file shows the MESSAGE_SIZE_LIMIT = 200M followed immediately by <##################> then the exim system (possibly) doesn't like the CR line ending.

[That was the advice given me on the debian-exim list earlier this month, where I had posted a similar question. Brian has already mentioned that thread in an earlier message.]

Perhaps someone who knows for sure what the line-endings ought to be could chime in.

regards, Ron

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