This is my first time really considering a full dual boot i feel the
need to first ask if this is dual boot two linux OS's,
one is debian jessie, the other a debian based OS, with full disk
encryption?Or rather I guess it would be two seperate encrypted
partitions? Or would it be two seperate partiotion within one

If possible, which option is or which is best? I can give details on
both. Asfar as why I would run two Debian OS's, one jessie one a
derivitive, they work in rather different ways, different GUI, etc.

I've been live booting the secondary OS, which is fine except for the
persistence feature doesn't like to work for me and I use it so often
it's a pain to have one of the two USB's on my notebooke taken up when
I'm using it and to have aflash drive sticking out during normal
operation. I also have a third, rarely used OS i live boot from,
another reason to pursue a dual boot.

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