On Fri 20 May 2016 at 15:08:38 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:

> On 5/20/2016 2:12 PM, Brian wrote:
> >On Fri 20 May 2016 at 14:01:33 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:
> >
> >>On 5/20/2016 12:12 PM, Abdelkader Belahcene wrote:
> >>>Hi,
> >>>I want to use the parallelfdtd (parallel  Finite Difference Time
> >>>Domain (FDTD) ) solver , I got the source from github.
> >>>But the compilation is hard, and haven't succeed.
> >>>
> >>>I want a precompiled for debian (ubuntu).
> >>>meep  seems is the compiled version,  but there are many packages
> >>>meep-lam4 meep-openmpi.
> >>>
> >>>Someone can help me. thanks a lot
> >>>
> >>>best regards
> >>
> >>I can't answer your explicit question.
> >
> >So why respond?
> >
> Because I not only *READ* his question but attempted to understand why he
> asked.

Not very succesfully. The OP appears to know what he wants but is
undecided which one of the meep* packages he wants, My advice is to
install meep and go from there. He can always uninstall it and go for
another related package if it is not suitable.

> I then did some research and concluded that
>   1. Scilab and/or Maxima may work

Why suggest something completely different from what the OP wants? 

>   2. Both are packaged in such a way as to circumvent what I suspect is a
> problem.

Others may follow that. I don't.

>   3. I also avoid speaking *EX CATHEDRA*

We are all fallible. Its just that some are more fallible than others. :)

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