On Sun, 22 May 2016, Britton Kerin wrote:
> Trying to run nmcli fails from other window managers with dbus errors,
> which it absolutely shouldn't do since network-manager is running.
> Same with nm-connection-editor and wicd-client, they are all
> apparently dependent on dbus now, and dbus doesn't appear to work
> correctly without a gnome session going.

nmcli and nm-connection-editor will work just fine if you have dbus
running for your session. Normally this works with dbus-launch
--exit-with-session ~/.xsession or whatever you're actually doing.

If DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS isn't set, then nm-connection-editor or
anything else isn't going to work properly unless the newly launched
session has permissions to talk to the master network-manager session.

You can of course work around all of this by writing the NM connection
bits manually, but that tends to get tedious. [I personally have it
working just fine with i3wm, and I've previously had it working with
awesome; you don't need gnome or gnome-session running at all.]

Don Armstrong                      https://www.donarmstrong.com

Love is... a complex sequence of neurochemical reactions that makes
people behave like idiots. It's similar to intoxication, but the
hangover's even worse.
 -- J. Jacques _Questionable Content_ #1039

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