On Wed, 8 Jun 2016 12:03:12 +0200
"c.hol...@ades.at" <c.hol...@ades.at> wrote:

Hello c.hol...@ades.at,

>I understand the versions have nicknames (8 = jessie, 7 = wheezy, 6 = 
>squeeze, ...).
>I also understand there are 3 releases of every version (stable, 
>testing, unstable) and

That's where the bulk of your problem lies;  stable, testing and
unstable are not three releases of every version.  Currently,
oldstable=7=wheezy, stable=8=jessie, testing is what will be the next
stable version, is codenamed stretch, and will most likely be version
number 9.

When current testing becomes stable (i.e. when Debian release a new
version), things will change such that stable=9=stretch,
oldstable=8=jessie and testing will get a new, as yet undecided, release
name.  It will, of course, be a Toy Story character's name.

So, whenever Debian release the next version (Stretch,v9), the
oldstable, oldoldstable, stable and testing names will be pointed to
their new positions.

sid=unstable and never, AFAIAA, takes a version number.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
I'll tell you something, I think that you should know
Rich Kids - Rich Kids

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