On Mon 06 Jun 2016 at 16:52:30 (+1200), cbannis...@slingshot.co.nz wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 05, 2016 at 09:16:23AM -0500, David Wright wrote:
> > And here's my observation. When you type real quotation marks (ie ‘’“”),
> > the correct glyphs appear on the screen. After changing font, those
> > glyphs turn into different glyphs, but freshly typed quotation marks
> > appear with the correct glyphs.
> > 
> > I have no idea why this happens, but it does mean that your statement
> > above needs qualification. The glyphs that change to a sort of D shape
> > with a squiggle on top, are these glyphs that were already on the
> > screen before you changed choice, or are they fresh glyphs written 
> > afterwards?
> They were fresh glyphs written afterwards. The glyps I got were dependant on 
> the
> setting I chose in the second screen (after choosing UTF from the first.) 
> while
> doing 'dpkg-reconfigure console-setup'.
> I've now got it set to 'Guess optimal character set' which does do the quotes.
> It was when choosing the other options i noticed the D shape with a squiggle 
> on
> top.
> There is also setupcon (man setupcon) which may be of some interest.

Yes, that's what I used to use: setupcon -f console-setup.foo
(aliased, naturally) where foo was small/medium/large/huge and the
associated files (in /etc/default) had the appropriate CODESET="Lat15"
FONTFACE="Terminus" FONTSIZE="10x20" lines.

But now I just call up the actual font file, and just for one VC at a time.
(I wonder why it's FONTSIZE="10x20" but Lat15-Terminus20x10.)

> Once I got the dlyphs showing correctly I didn't bother with the 
> technicalities
> any further --- although what the option 'Guess optimal character set' is 
> actually
> doing behind the scenes *may* be an option for further perusal. 

/bin/setupcon is just a script. AFAICT guessing the CHARMAP just uses the
locale's value. In turn, guessing the CODESET uses $CHARMAP in a case


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