On Thursday 09 June 2016 07:13 AM, to...@tuxteam.de wrote:

Thanks for your explanation. I did "curl -c" but no luck as it
doesn't have any cookie.

curl -c mycookie " 

# ls mycookie
ls: cannot access 'mycookie': No such file or directory

whereas I can see during curl operation


<body onload="load();">
<form name="myform" method="post" action="http://<link>/login">
<input type="hidden" name="username" />
<input type="hidden" name="password"/>

The form leads explicitly to a POST request. This is one where
the data is sent in the HTTP body (and not as query parameters
in the URL, as your curl command above is trying).

Some web frameworks accept (equivalently) both variants, some

Try sending as a POST request:

   curl -X POST -c mycookie \
        -d username=<user> -d password=<pass> \

(replacing, of course <user>, <pass>, <link> by more interesting
values. I've broken up the long line with backslashes, don't type
in those).

For more on the -d option and its cousins, look them up in the
curl man page under --data, --data-ascii, --data-binary and

Is anything in the cookiejar yet?

Issue is, this direct link (which is a redirect link from actual form page) doesn't create any cookie jar

curl -c mycookie " http://<link>/login1.html?a=%3F<username>%2B%2F%40&b=%3F<password>%2B%2F%40 "

though same is running well on browser and logging in immediately.

--trace-ascii investigation shows as below

0000: GET /login1.html?a=%3F<username>%2B%2F%40&b=%3F<password>%2B%2F%4
0040: 0 HTTP/1.1
004c: Host: <link IP>
005b: User-Agent: curl/7.47.0
0074: Accept: */*
0300: /head>.<body onload="load();">.<form name="myform" method="post"
0340:  action="";>.<input type="hidden" name="usern
0380: ame" />.<input type="hidden" name="password"/>.</form>.</body>.<

Don't know why cookie is not coming with this link.

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