On Sunday 12 June 2016 15:45:51 Nicolas George wrote:
> Le quintidi 25 prairial, an CCXXIV, Siard a écrit :
> > xterm*VT100.font:  -efont-fixed-medium-r-*-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-*
> If you go for medium or large font sizes, then using -fa / faceName and an
> Xft name instead of -fn / font for an X11 fot is probably a good idea: it
> gives anti-aliasing and the choice of fonts nowadays is slightly larger.
> For small sizes, vectorial fonts gives poor results, better readability is
> achieved with hand-drawn bitmap fonts. Too bad they can not have
> anti-aliasing.

If you are running a minimal system, then I can see the advantages of a more 
minimal terminal emulator.  But if you are running a DE, what advantages does 
running xterm have over running one of the desktop related terminal 


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