Am 21.06.2016 um 18:28 schrieb Szilard Andai:
> I have an udev rule to automatically mount an USB device:
> ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sd?1", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0781",
> ATTRS{idProduct}=="5150", RUN+="/bin/mount -v %N"


> Unfortunately the device doesn't get actually mounted: it doesn't appear
> in the mount results.
> Am I missing something, or should this be reported as a bug?

See the changelog in 229-6

>   * Drop udev-re-enable-mount-propagation-for-udevd.patch, i. e. run udevd in
>     its own slave mount name space again. laptop-mode-tools 1.68 fixed the
>     original bug (#762018), thus add a Breaks: to earlier versions.

Running "mount" from within udev rules will make the mount points only
available for udev itself.

What you are doing is strongly discouraged. Use something like udisks2
instead, which listens on uevents and reacts accordingly.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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