On 2016-06-23, =?UTF-8?B?Qnl1bmctSGVlIEhXQU5HICjtmanrs5Htnawp?= 
<soyeo...@doraji.xyz> wrote:
>>Not a complete list, but perhaps this is worthwile:
>>  https://wiki.debian.org/InstallingDebianOn/
>>Two randomly chosen Chromebooks there:
>>  https://wiki.debian.org/InstallingDebianOn/Acer/C710-2615-Chromebook
>>  https://wiki.debian.org/InstallingDebianOn/Samsung/ARMChromebook
>>Typically you'll get problems with some hardware support (suspend,
>>bluetooth, video...) but those are not crucial for Emacs to work
>>But perhaps I didn't understand you properly.
>>- -- tomás
> Yes, tomas, welcome to comments!

Another possibility is to run Debian on a Chromebook within a chroot
(open source project):


Hypertext--or should I say the ideology of hypertext?--is ultrademocratic and
so entirely in harmony with the demagogic appeals to cultural democracy that
accompany (and distract one’s attention from) the ever-tightening grip of 
plutocratic capitalism. - Susan Sontag

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