On 2016-06-23 at 21:26, Mike Kupfer wrote:

> Is anyone else on Jessie (x86_64) seeing a problem where Firefox 
> (45.2.0esr-1~deb8u1) wants to reload the tabs from the previous
> session, even when the preferences are set not to do that?
> I normally use "show a blank page" on startup, but I was getting
> either the previous tabs or the "this is embarassing" screen (where
> FF tells me it was unable to restore the tabs).
> I changed to "show my home page", and I would briefly see my home
> page before it was replaced by the "this is embarassing" screen.
> The problem isn't 100% reproducible, but it's close to it.
> I only have one extension (NoScript).  Disabling it didn't help.
> I have a few plug-ins installed, but they are all set to Never
> Activate.
> The problem seems tied to using exo-open.  I see the problem when I
> start Firefox via the "Web browser" entry in the main Xfce menu.  I
> don't see the problem if I invoke Firefox from the shell, Alt-F2, or
> a customer launcher (which just runs "firefox").
> Any ideas?

Sounds like Firefox is thinking it crashed when it was last closed, and
so is automatically trying to restore the session which was running
before the crash.

I'd think there should be a way to prevent this auto-restore, but given
the settings you've said you already have in place, I don't know what it
would be. A bit of quick Googling suggests that the advanced preference
browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash may control the behavior, but I
can't say for certain.

Why Firefox is crashing (or closing in a way which it thinks is a crash)
is another question. I often see a duplicate "browsing session" and
"crashed session" in my session-history list, so the problem may be
happening here as well - but since I _want_ Firefox to restore tabs (and
have it set to prompt me for which session to restore, via an add-on for
the purpose), I've never had cause to dig into it.

I too launch Firefox (or rather, Iceweasel; I'm still on 38ESR, and have
seen my probably-the-same-issue symptom since at least 31ESR if not
24ESR) from a window-manager menu, although I run Enlightenment DR16
(locally built, since I keep not getting back to my effort to package it
for Debian again) rather than Xfce. Once upon a time I did habitually
launch it from a terminal window, but that was years ago, and I don't
know whether the problem happened back then.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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