On 08/07/16 07:06 PM, Brian wrote:
On Fri 08 Jul 2016 at 18:13:01 -0400, Gary Dale wrote:

On 08/07/16 02:19 PM, Brian wrote:
If you have some way of easily adjusting files in /etc/grub.d to the
needs of a user I wish you would say.
So that's the problem. You never took the time to RTFM. See
That page, no matter how informative it may be, is not the manual. My
comment was intended to elicit some specific technical advice on how to
adjust an /etc/grub.d file(s) to perform a particular task. Something
like the topic in


Using labels in a hand written grub.cfg is a snap. Stopping it being
overwritten is another snap. Perhaps altering file X in grub.d is just
as easy and unstressful.

Maybe one day I will read 'pinfo grub'. :)
True enough, but it shows how much good information there is out there. As for altering the correct files, it is just as easy and unstressful.

same change either way but the grub template file won't get clobbered so
there is no need to run dpkg-divert.
It's not the same change. ("grub template file". What is that? There
isn't one as far as I can see).
Again, RTFM. There are lots of files for you to tinker with in /etc/grub.d.
You can even add your own and it's guaranteed not be tampered with by any
So there are. Users should stay away from them (40_custom excepted)
unless they know what they are doing.
Same is true for altering any file.

Moreover, you don't need to update a system manual to note that you are
diverting a package. You just need to note that a single file is not the
package maintainers default - something you have to do either way.
Diverting is a Debian thing. The GRUB manual would never mention it.

No, but you do have to document each system that you are running. If you are
doing anything that is not standard, it has to be recorded so that the next
person (or you 3 months later) will know that you've done it.

I gather from your comment that you aren't doing this. That's asking for
trouble, especially if you are running custom configurations and protecting
them with diversions. Complexity added onto complexity without documentation
is a good recipe for disaster.
I cannot argue with that.

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