On Friday 29 July 2016 00:51:42 Borden Rhodes wrote:
> Thank you, Siard. I'm grateful for help no matter who gives it! Here's
> the PNG of the offending toolbar in LibreOffice:
> https://s31.postimg.org/fanuugafv/Screenshot.png . As I hope the photo
> shows, the buttons render correctly when they're hovered, but
> otherwise whatever was on that part of the screen previously, be it
> tool tips or another window, stays put.
> For kicks and giggles, I ran GIMP, VLC, DosBox, Calibre, OpenJDK 8
> PolicyTool. These programs all render and run correctly. I also tried
> switching the LibreOffice themes between Breeze and Galaxy to no help.
> The icons change but the toolbar rendering stays broken. If I knew
> more about how LibreOffice renders the toolbar and menus, I could try
> other programs that share those libraries to isolate the issue.
> With thanks,

Thanks!  I can see that.  Have you tried asking for a different set of icons?  
I have checked just now.  You can load extra "icon styles". (cf Options -> 
LibreOffice -> View.)  I have to go and haven't time to google how now, but 
if you haven't succeeded by the time I next get time to breathe, I'll have a 

> > Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2016 09:58:10 +0200
> > From: Siard <shiems...@kpnplanet.nl>
> > To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
> > Subject: Re: LibreOffice toolbars & menus are rendering badly
> > Message-ID: <20160728095810.fc6d297c.shiems...@kpnplanet.nl>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> > Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> >
> > Borden Rhodes wrote:
> >> Lisi: is there some other place where I can upload a PNG file and have
> >> it display/transfer properly? Other than Instagram where I don't have
> >> an account?
> >
> > I'm not Lisi, but this one is especially meant for forums, therefore
> > rather suitable IMO: https://postimage.org/

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