On 8 August 2016 at 15:01, haleem safi <haleem.s...@outlook.com> wrote:

> Dear Debian users,
> I am Haleem and new to the Linux world, I Need to install *osTicket*
> <http://osticket.com/> on Apache, web Server.  I Need to install first
> Debian, please instruct me what will be the suitable package for me,to
> download
​I think it would be good if you started out with a Debian Live dvd.

see here:


Download the stable iso file and then burn a DVD from it.  Then get your
bios to boot from it.


Michael Fothergill

> I have Wmware ESXI 5.5 virtual  machine, on Dell power edge 720 Server. in
> the Virtual machine I  Windows Server 2008 and I want to  install Debian
> and then Apache,
> your Support will be appreciated
> Best Regards
> Haleem

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