I have three virtually identical (software installation-wise) systems running testing.

Two of the systems run the i386 image, the third system runs an amd64 image.

This morning following a rather huge set of updates (List can be supplied, if actually needed.) I could no longer run Icedove or Xombrero on the AMD64 system. Both programs segfault immediately following launch -- so quickly that they don't have time to paint their windows.

Xombrero also segfaults on both of the i386 installations. However, Icedove runs properly on both of them.

I logged into a spare user profile on the amd64 system, and Icedove launched properly there. Aha! So, the problem is in the Icedove user profile!

I moved the ~/.icedove folder under the primary user profile on the amd64 system, and Icedove launched properly there.

I keep that Icedove profile on the amd64 system backed up to a user account on one of the i386 systems. That user account on the i386 system launches Icedove just fine with the supposedly problematic Icedove profile in place! I'm sending this message from that machine.

I have seen the threads here about Icedove quitting without warning, and I have occasionally seen that issue on this amd64 installation. For me, every time Icedove failed it was when I was progressing from viewing one message to another. However, the new problem is really quite different. Until today, Icedove was relatively reliable and useful. Now it's useless on my primary system.

I presume the problem is caused by some kind of interaction between the amd64 version of something that got upgraded today, and something in the Icedove user profile, but I'm danged if I can figure out how to troubleshoot this. The problem is obviously not simply a problem with the Icedove user profile.

For the time being, I just run Icedove on the i386 system through an ssh session, and then back the data up to the amd64 system.

Would someone have an idea?


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