On Mon 15 Aug 2016 at 19:05:55 +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:

> On Monday 15 August 2016 14:25:58 Brian wrote:
> > A good guide to backporting is at
> >
> >   https://raphaelhertzog.com/2010/12/15/howto-to-rebuild-debian-packages/
> >
> > A deb-src line in sources.list for unstable is needed to do
> >
> >   apt-get source libsane-common/unstable
> >
> > Then
> >
> >   apt-get build-deps libsane-common/unstable
> >
> > should get the dependencies from stable to build libsane-common and
> > libsane.
> >  
> Thank you, Brian.  That sounds great.  
> I had been following this (mutatis mutandis)
> https://wiki.debian.org/SimpleBackportCreation

I haven't tested the method on that page extensively but a first glance
seems to indicate there is a missing step or two. Don't take this as
gospel though.

> but had got stuck on
> https://wiki.debian.org/SimpleBackportCreation#Find_and_Install_missing_build_dependencies_as__found_in_debian.2Fcontrol
> And went to do other jobs before tackling it again, and googling as 
> neccesary. 
> Yours sounds much simpler.  libsane-common doesn't seem to have many 
> dependencies, but I though I mighty have to backport the whole of 
> sane-backends, largely because I was a bit at sea.

  apt-get source libsane-common/testing

actually downloads the sane-backends source package.

> I'll try later and report back.  

My report is that backporting libsame-common works for me. I cannot
instill more confidence than that. :)

> Why does one use Sid when the package is available in Stretch??

By all means replace unstable with testing in the commands I gave. I
tend to use unstable because it is the latest and, in any case, testing
has the same version for the source package, so it doesn't matter.

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